LCRR herald

Louisiana Central Railroad Company

What's New


Here's the latest Track Plan.  And here are the latest construction photos in Whitcomb and Oneida.
June 19, 2024

Updated the Links page.
January 3, 2024

Added a paint sprayer to the For Sale page.
September 11, 2022

Updated the Links page.
December 23, 2021

Added a proof-of-concept photo of a typical 'track switch' control panel.
August 7, 2021

Updated the Links page.
November 15, 2020

Another update of the Links page (updated links, and new stuff)
July 4, 2019

Updated the Links page.
January 23, 2019

Upgraded the site to use SSL for an extra bit of security.  The site now uses an HTTPS prefix.
October 19, 2017

Updated the Links page.
November 21, 2016

Back on August 13th of this year, the Louisiana Central suffered a horrific flood.  The layout room and shop took on about 15" of flood water.  You can read the account over on the Louisiana Central blog, Flood! and The Aftermath .  The building has been re-mediated, and is now waiting for it's re-construction.
July 2, 2016

The Spencer Lumber Company railroad operation is complete.  Trains of empty skeleton log cars can leave the mill and head up into the woods, and then return fully laden with prime timber.  The last track to go in was at the sawmill complex in Oneida.
June 4, 2016

The town of Oneida is now a revenue center for the railroad.  I've completed the passing siding and all of the industrial trackage.  The town is now operational.
May 18, 2016

The town of Whitcomb is now a revenue center for the railroad.  I've completed the passing siding and the industrial spur.  The town is now operational.
March 2, 2016

I've got some surplus Lenz DCC equipment for sale.  See the items at the For Sale page.
February 2, 2016

I've added even more construction photos of Oneida.
December 31, 2015

I've added more photos of the construction in Whitcomb and Oneida.  I'm close to completing the sub-roadbed in Oneida and will post a few more photos of that in early January.  Progress has been quite good in recent months.  Edit:  more photos of Oneida added.
November 6, 2015

I've started the benchwork preparation on the second peninsula of the layout.  This is the fifth and final major section of benchwork for the railroad.  The town of Oneida will reside on this benchwork, and now I've created the photo section that will document this portion of the layout.
September 8, 2015

The Louisiana Central mainline sub-roadbed is proceeding westward out of Maynard, and has reached well into Whitcomb.  The Spencer mainline sub-roadbed has also progressed westward and is at the far western edge of Whitcomb.  See the Louisiana Central photos here, and the Spencer photos here.
August 18, 2015

It's been quite awhile since I've added any construction photos to the website.  I've resumed construction of the Spencer logging operation: working on the high line up to Camp 6, the double switchback, and the mainline heading west back to the mill.  See the latest photos here. This is good news as it not only gets the logging re-load point into operation, it also allows me to advance the Louisiana Central mainline westward from Maynard to Whitcomb.
July 1, 2015

I've added a new Odds and Ends section under the Technical menu item.  This will be a series of photos and (on occasion) short articles, where I'll describe the ideas, methods and techniques I've used for miscellaneous things around the layout.  I've posted the first of these mini-articles in which I describe my new Dremel Tool and Bit Rack for storing those bits and pieces for my motor tools.  Click here to go to the introduction page.
June 17, 2015

I've added a photo of ex-SP #745 taken by the late Shawn Levy.  This is one of my favorite photos of this steamer.  See it in the Railfanning Photos Section.
April 12, 2015

I've added several new links to some nice model railroads.  Visit the Missouri Pacific's Bagnell Branch, then check out the Chesapeake, Wheeling and Erie Railroad.  End the tours at the Yosemite Valley Railroad out in California.  You can find them all on the Links page.
March 1, 2015

I've completed a major reorganization of the Layout Construction Photos section.  As the layout has grown (and the number of photos has increased), I found it getting increasingly cumbersome to add material.  I originally started by adding photos in a linear fashion as I worked around the layout.  But as I started jumping back and forth to various layout sections, that approach wasn't suitable.  I really wanted to keep photos of a given area together, but it was difficult to do that, and navigation through the photos was poor.  Now the photos are grouped, generally by the various areas of the layout that they pertain to.  Hopefully this will make things simpler for all of us.
    I've had to rename a ton of files to accomplish all this.  One negative side effect though was that all of the links in this page had to change as well.  Hopefully, I've gotten them straight.  But if you find something out of order, please drop a line and point out the error.
    I hope you enjoy the new format . . . let me know what you think.
October 20, 2014

I've gone back to Monterey to start installing trackwork, so I thought I'd make note of it here.  Click here to see the latest photos.  Note that there are photos below these that are actually work done earlier in other areas.  If you haven't been here in awhile, you might want to check these photos and these photos.
July 21, 2014

I've started construction on the fourth of the five major sections of the layout.  I've added a number of photos over the last couple weeks to get current with the state of construction.  Click here to see the latest photos.  Note that if you haven't been to the site in awhile, you might want to scroll up from this point to make sure you've seen everything.
May 12, 2014

I've added a new Benchwork section under the Technical menu item.  This will be a series of short articles where I'll describe the methods and techniques I've used in the construction of the layout.  I've posted the first of these mini-articles in which I describe my new lift-up access hatch.  Click here to go to the introduction page.
March 20, 2014

I've added a new Electrical section under the Technical menu item.  This will be a series of short articles where I'll describe the methods and techniques I've used in the construction of the layout.  I've posted the first of these mini-articles in which I describe my use of common EMT conduit clamps for wire and cable hangers.  Click here to go to the introduction page.
February 23, 2014

I've added a new link to Trevor Marshall's Port Rowan in S scale website.  This is a pike under construction featuring a Canadian National branchline from the 1950s.  Trevor presents his layout in an interesting blog format, often deviating from the typical "this is what I've done (with pictures)" format.  Refreshing and enjoyable.  I've also updated several other links on the Links page.
December 1, 2013

I've updated the track plan yet again!  I just keep studying the thing and finding little things to tweak.  Check the changes out on the Track Plan page.
October 21, 2013

I've added a nice photo of the KCS business train taken by the late Shawn Levy.  See it in the Railfanning Photos Section.
August 11, 2013

OK, I said I wasn't going to announce each time that I added photos to the site.  But it's been quite awhile since I posted new pics, therefore it gets an announcement.  See the latest at Layout Construction Photos.
July 25, 2013

I've done a complete re-build of the Louisiana Central blog.  The original site was based on a canned package from my web host.  It had plenty limitations, and worse, I couldn't back-up the site.  So I bit the bullet and replaced the old site with an all new one that has fixed all that.  Drop by for a visit and check out the new theme.  And feel free to leave a comment about what you think.
July 18, 2013

I've got some surplus Lenz DCC equipment for sale.  See the items at the For Sale page.
Edit:  Too late...the stuff is sold!
June 10, 2013

This announcement is more of an update and reminder rather than something new.  As mentioned below, I have been adding photos as benchwork, roadbed and track progresses (without announcing each update).  See the latest at Layout Construction Photos.
The progress on the railroad , while a bit slow, is quite steady with something accomplished just about every week.  I'd like to add a reminder that I'm using the blog to keep a running commentary on layout progress as well as my thoughts on other railroad items of (my) general interest.  Just click on the Blog link above to go there.
February 10, 2013

Yesterday was an Historic Day on the Louisiana Central Railroad as the first trains rolled across the line.  The company photographer captured the event and the photos have been placed in the Layout Scenes photo section.  As with the construction photos, I'll eventually add more pictures as significant portions of the railroad are completed, as scenery and structures are installed, and of course when the railroad actually goes into operation.
February 3, 2013

A few more trackwork photos have been added.  As mentioned below, I'll be posting additional photos on an on-going basis as the track work progresses.  However, it would be tedious I think to add an announcement here each time I do so.  Therefore, I'll only be adding announcements for areas or events of significance during the roadbed and track construction.
January 21, 2013

The Tin Spike has been driven!  This is the first track to go down on the Louisiana Central.  I've added a few photos (well, ok . . . just one) over in the Layout Construction Photos section.  I'll be posting additional photos of the roadbed and track as I complete it.
August 23, 2012

I've updated the track plan again!  I just keep studying the thing and finding little things to tweak.  I've made perhaps a dozen changes since the previous version.  Some are not noticeable (like changing an angle slightly to an even number to make layout easier) and some are easily discernible (like shifting the engine service area to get the turntable closer to the benchwork edge and lengthening the Ready track at the same time).  I even snuck in another yard track at Monterey.  Check the changes out on the Track Plan page.
August 17, 2012

I've added a few photos to the Room Construction Photos section.  I thought I'd show the train room right before the sheet rock was installed.  Benchwork progress is steady and ongoing.  I've been adding a few photos to the Layout Construction Photos section each weekend.  The basic benchwork framing should be complete sometime in September.
July 27, 2012

More benchwork has been erected.  I've added a few photos over in the Layout Construction Photos section.  Again, I'll be posting additional photos of each benchwork section as I complete it.
July 16, 2012

I've added a new page that will occasionally feature items that I have for sale.  In the past I've clung to every single item that I've ever acquired for model railroading, but I've decided that it's time to let go the things that are unsuitable and/or unused.  Go check out my offerings in the For Sale section.  This page will by nature be changing as things come and go, so check it from time to time.
The page that was formerly titled "Miscellaneous" has been renamed to "Software Tidbits".  It's the same content, just a new name.
July 15, 2012

Hallelujah . . . benchwork has finally commenced!  Go check the very first photos of the event over in the Layout Construction Photos section.  I'll be posting additional photos of each benchwork section as I complete it.
July 10, 2012

The initial backdrop painting is complete!  We now have typical southern Louisiana summer skies over the Louisiana Central.  Go check the photos here. Next up will be benchwork erection, followed closely by track laying.  Things are finally starting to happen with layout construction.
April 15, 2012

I've added a bunch of photos of the finished lighting valence and view blocks.  This completes the room prep work (painting clouds on the backdrop counts as layout construction). 
April 9, 2012

I've posted what is likely to be the final version of the Track Plan prior to commencing construction.  There will assuredly be modifications during the construction, but I don't anticipate anything of major significance to change.
The lighting valence and view blocks are finally finished.  I'll be hanging the view blocks next weekend and that will complete the overhead work.  The computer desk is also finished and occupied.  The computer is ready for connection to my Lenz system when track starts going down.
I still plan to paint the clouds on the backdrop prior to doing benchwork, and I hope that will occur over the next several weeks.

This page contains only the "What's New" announcements made since roughly the start of layout construction.  I've moved the older announcements to a separate page, the "What's New" Archive.  Those older announcements covered the items chronicling the building construction, layout planning. and the website itself.

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© 2006-2024 Jack C. Shall - All rights reserved. Last page update: 19 June 2024