LCRR herald

Louisiana Central Railroad Company

Layout Construction Photos Home

In this section I'm documenting the layout construction.  It starts at the beginning with the benchwork and backdrop, and features key points and areas of the layout as the construction unfolds.  Follow along with me on this adventure.

Click on image to go to each area

The Backdrop
We start with the preliminary phase of the backdrop: sky and clouds.
The basic L-girder benchwork frame is shown here.
Here's where the trains wait in the wings for their turn on the layout.
This is the southernmost (west) end of the line.  The T&P interchange is here as well.

Home of the Spencer Lumber Company, as well as a sand and gravel pit operation.
Just inside the Mississippi border, Whitcomb serves the local agricultural needs.
There are a couple lineside industries here that furnish propane and concrete to the local community.
Willis - L.C. Yard
The midpoint of the line (and the last town to be modeled), Willis has a small yard and the company shops.

Willis - The City and the Illinois Central Railroad
Railroad Avenue in downtown Willis is here, along with an I.C. branch line and interchange.
The Spencer Lumber Co.
View the mill complex at Oneida and the high line running up to the re-load point out in the woods east of Whitcomb.
Electrical & Electronics
Various photos of the electrical aspects of the layout.
Odds and ends here . . . whatever doesn't fit into the other categories.

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© 2006-2019 Jack C. Shall - All rights reserved. Last page update: 23 Jan 2019