This past weekend Wayne Robichaux and I paid a visit to a friend, Bob McNeese, to pick up some Homasote left-overs that he had from his nearly finished layout. While there, Bob gave us a tour of his pike and I must say, it is something to behold.
It’s in Sn3 scale and is generally based on the former Rio Grande’s narrow gauge operation in the New Mexico/Colorado area. The layout has a couple small yards, and silver mines abound. The structures are superb, the layout’s level of detail is quite high and the scenery is spectacular. There was simply no way to take it all in with just one visit and I’ve already told Bob that I need to visit again to continue my observation.
The proponents of S scale often tout the fact that it is the “ideal” scale, and I have to agree. I love the size with respect to actually being able to see the finest details, yet still small enough to get a decent sized layout in a modest space. If I didn’t have 50 years worth of HO collected and was just getting started, I’d have to give S scale some serious consideration.
On the Louisiana Central, a modest amount of work has been accomplished since my last post. The framing around the lift-up access hatch is done and the drawer slides are installed. I need a couple more hours to complete the framing required on the hatch section itself to connect it to the drawer slides.
I’ve completed the short run of sub-roadbed needed to tie the Texas and Pacific trackage from staging, into the main sub-roadbed at Monterey. I’ve extended the T&P track from staging onto the visible portion of the layout, just shy of the yard.
And I’ve advanced the track into Maynard a bit. I’ve been preparing the two switches that will be required there, and should have those installed shortly. Further progression of the mainline will be a bit down the road. I want to start work on the Spencer Lumber Company’s trackage into the woods and the reload point before putting in the LC trackage. This is because the LC track will be in the foreground and I prefer working from the wall out toward the aisle. Hence, the logging line needs to be first up.
Stay tuned…