Breaking-In the SP #745

In December of 2004 the newly restored steam locomotive, Southern Pacific #745, was getting her initial break-in run. Back in September of last year I posted a photograph of the locomotive as it was crossing the Bonnet Carré Spillway in southern Louisiana on the eastbound return leg of its trip. It occurred to me that every image I’ve posted of that locomotive has featured its right side. Looking through my photos, I realized that I indeed had some views showing her left side, and here below is my favorite.

SP #745 at Bonnet Carre Spillway

Again, she is crossing that same trestle that traverses the spillway. This view was captured on the westward outbound leg of the journey. She would go just a few miles further to Garyville, Louisiana where she could be turned, and then head east back to her home in New Orleans.

You can review the image and read a bit more detail about the locomotive and the spillway itself in that original posting. For information the acronym LASTA on the caboose stands for the Louisiana Steam Train Association.

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