Ron Findley and I made yet another trip to the Crowell mill property in October of 1999. By then the entire mill complex, including the railroad, had been donated by the family and turned into a museum. The third locomotive there is the #106. She is in the best shape because she is under the roof of the car knocker shed. The only photograph that Ron recorded that day of the 106 was this one. I rather like this image, so decided I’d use it today to wrap up the introduction of the RR&G steam fleet.
This summary is based on information on the RR&G website: Engine #106 is a class 10-32-D #1303 4-6-0. She was built by Baldwin Locomotive Works in September of 1923 for the Red River & Gulf Railroad Company at a cost of $29,520. She is similar to the #400 and was the last engine bought for the company. #106 hauled freight trains from Long Leaf to Kurthwood for 22 years. In September of 1945 it switched to the line from Long Leaf to Lecompte. During this time she was sometimes used by Crowell Long Leaf Lumber to haul log trains from Meridian (Evangeline Parish) to Long Leaf. The #106’s last run, and also the last train to be used by the Red River & Gulf before its liquidation, was on March 31, 1953. It was officially retired on April 1, 1953. It has been (cosmetically) restored to its former glory, and is still located in the car knocker shed on the property. If you’re itching to see some photographs of the entire locomotive, you can see them along with additional specs on the RR&G website.
A side-note: If you check those photos on the RR&G website, you’ll notice at bottom left the photograph that Tony Howe used as his inspiration for the wonderful painting that graces the masthead of this blog.