A Set-up for My LokProgrammer

I mentioned recently that I had acquired a new LokProgrammer during their summer sale.  The device is only about 4″ square and when connected, has three cables attached to it.  However, I found it a bit awkward to handle all of this while using it.  So I took a short break from layout construction and cobbled together this little programming board for my programmer.  It makes it easy and portable to set up for programming a loco.  Here it is plugged into my train room computer:


I attached a piece of track to the board with track nails and small screws.  The screws also serve as wheel stops in case the loco inches too far towards an end.  The LokProgrammer, at right, is also fastened with a screw through the hole in it’s center.  I didn’t want to torque down on the screw for fear of damaging the plastic case, so I glued a couple strips of thin rubber to the case bottom.  Now the programmer won’t have a tendency to rotate around the attaching screw.  The track connections make it easy to connect/disconnect if needed.  And the board sits on some little rubber feet so it doesn’t slide around.  The power supply and USB cable are stored in a small plastic case (not shown) when not in use.

I’m pleased with the result, and it made for an enjoyable change of pace this week.


2 thoughts on “A Set-up for My LokProgrammer

  1. Looks to darned neat to be a train room. I think Jack is using somebody’s studio to photograph his handiwork and passing it off as the real thing. I don’t see any glue marks, or old paint brushes or anything like that. Jack, are you being straight with us? (LOL – by comparison, my desk is a mess.)

  2. Matt,

    There’s a reason I photographed the thing on my desk, rather than on the workbench!


    OK, I confess. I moved the clutter from the desk before taking the picture. It was a smaller pile than on the workbench.

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