A few days ago my web hosting site advised me that the blogging software was being updated. I suppose that is good, however as I examined the various parts of the blog, I noticed that some things had changed, some things had simply disappeared and my preferences were shot to hell. I think I have most everything put back in order now.
One of the big things that changed was the subscription plug-in. Most folks know that you must first register with the blog (a one-time thing) to be able to post comments (that’s to help control spammers). However, subscribing is totally optional. Subscribing simply means that you’ll receive an email whenever I make a new post to the blog advising you that there is fresh material for you to enjoy, laugh at, sneer at, or swear at (your choice).
It is unclear to me whether the subscription list is intact after this transition. If you receive a notice of this post and you’re not presently a subscriber (and don’t wish to be), please feel free to unsubscribe -or- drop me a line and I’ll get your name off the list.
Sorry if this inconveniences anyone.
The weekend is nearly here, and I’ve already got my plans in place for the next construction on the layout!
Keeping the electronics up and running is harder than building the rr. Just got into withrottle, and engine Driver. Now can controll panels for I pad and android table. Fun Fun