Layout progress continues at a slow, but indeed at a steady pace. As you’ve read in previous posts, I’m starting with all of the (mostly) hidden staging track as it’s the furthest away from the aisle and the most difficult to work with. The Louisiana Central trackage is complete, including wiring, and is operational, sans a switch machine at the entry to the area. This past weekend saw the start of trackage for the Illinois Central staging area. I’ve got enough roadbed completed to do all of the staging track at that end of the layout.
I’ve run the power bus along with the track I’ve been installing, and tapping the bus along the way to feed the track as I progress. I have the bus temporarily connected to the command station/booster for testing purposes. Last week I installed a backboard and shelf for one of the three planned booster districts. I’ll be using DCC Specialties PSX circuit breakers to further sub-divide each power district, and I’ve installed the three C/Bs for the district I’m working in. I still have to run the interconnecting wiring between the booster and the C/Bs, and then connect the power buses. When that is done, the wiring for the entire sub-district will be complete, and the other sub-districts can be connected as they’re run.
I don’t generally get any work done on the layout during the work week, however I thought maybe I could devote a bit of time in the evenings to working simple projects, like building car kits and such. I have an old roll-top desk in my living room that is unused, in fact it was my hobby workbench before my permanent bench was completed out in the train building. I’ve decided to reactivate the old desk as a secondary workbench, and have recently started to restock it with common tools and supplies….whatever is needed for the “simple” projects. I have read several times that doing small tasks like that can have a significant impact on overall progress, so I’m going to give it a shot.
As I’ve mentioned before, I operate regularly on Lou Schultz’s C&O Railroad over in Covington. I’m sure most of you know that Lou has been going through quite an ordeal with a health issue for the past month or so. Please keep him in your prayers to help get him through this.