The Coaling Tower in McComb

Continuing our story in McComb, Mississippi, Ron and I left the overpass after taking photographs from that vantage point. We then went below the bridge to focus our attention on the old coaling tower that sits immediately north of that location. This old, cast concrete coaling tower is from the steam locomotive era, and it still stands watch over the city. We moved in to document it.

The old coaling tower In McComb, Mississippi. The late afternoon sun on this day in February of 1988 really brings out the color on these Illinois Central Gulf boxcars despite their age. Photo by Ron Findley.
Looking through my collection of digital photographs, I came across this image of the coaling tower taken in October of 2015. Apparently the city decided to recognize their railroad history on this old structure, and added the colorful sign to the tower. It looks like this huge old structure could be placed back in service simply by replacing the missing coal chute!

One thought on “The Coaling Tower in McComb

  1. Great photo story, Jack. In all the years I drove past McComb on I-55, I never took the time to explore its railroad history. Thanks for bring it back to life.

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