Clutching the Bills

Last week we saw Jack Delano’s portrait of the crew of a Chicago and North Western freight train as it was readying to start its journey. Here the train has arrived at its destination in Clinton, Iowa and is entering the receiving yard. With waybills clutched in hand, Conductor Wolfsmith is hopping off the caboose as the train passes the yard office.

Mr. Delano recorded this scene in January of 1943. If you’d like to see the other images along this journey, find them here and here.

Clutching the Bills

2 thoughts on “Clutching the Bills

  1. Hey Jack,
    This could be Clinton, OK. if we still had caboose’s running.
    Just spent my time out in the cold. Temp. -3 and more snow to come.
    My late father was born in Clinton, IA.

    • Hey Boudreaux,
      We’re having cold temps and icing down here in Louisiana. Power went out this morning and just came back on tonight about an hour ago. We aren’t used to ice and such all over the place! 🙂 Supposed to be down to 15 deg. tonight, but back above freezing by tomorrow afternoon.
      But that sounds a lot better than -3!
      Keep warm!

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